Animal Kingdom with Characters and Rides for Warm Weather Months - Animal Kingdom
March 30, 2015
Park Hours:   8:00 AM - 8:00 PM |
Your Notes: Copy this plan and follow it in the order that is described. Remove the items you don't desire, add your dining reservations and Fastpass reservations by clicking "Notes" after copying the plan.
Animal Kingdom with Characters and Rides for Warm Weather Months
The most important part of a great day at Animal Kingdom with no waits is to arrive at least 30-45 minutes before park opening. If you arrive a little later and see the turnstiles already full, you might want to use the Rainforest Cafe entrance.
This plan was designed to be able to see all the major shows, ride every ride and meet every character in one day from 9:00 to 5:00 PM without much backtracking or rushing around.
Why did I place Kali River Rapids so late into the day?
Because I do not like to walk around the park wet all day. It causes chaffing and irritation. If you choose to ride earlier, you might want to consider bringing a change of clothing along. Ponchos do not help very much on this ride!
Should I not go to Expedition Everest first?
No, because the line for Everest will still be brief by the time you arrive
Why do I head quickly to Kilimanjaro Safaris first?
The best time to do this attraction is right when the park opens. The animals are more active and are usually abundant when the park opens. Mid-day is the worst time to ride as the animals are heading for shade and late in the day can be hit or miss because the animal care experts are calling them in for the night.
Reserve Fastpass+ for the following:
Expedition Everest 1:00pm
Kali River Rapids - 2:00pm
Rivers of Light
This is a Premium Plan. To view this complete plan please Subscribe or Sign-in to your account.
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